

Nicholas Shea, Principal

Telephone: (905) 697-9857

Email: Nicholas Shea

School Address

School Address

200 Clarington Blvd.

Bowmanville, ON

L1C 5N8

School Contacts

School Contacts


Superintendent Jamila Maliha
Head Secretary Cathy Peters
Trustees Cathy Abraham, Kathleen Flynn, Paul Brown
First Nation Trustee Sean Conway
Student Trustees Albatoul Alshraideh, Jillian Thomas
School Council Chairperson Marika Beaumont
School Information

School Information

Grades: 7-8
School Population: 223

English, Core French 

Transitions to:  Clarington Central Secondary School



Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule


Period 1 8:15   - 9:05   AM 
Period 2 9:05   - 9:55   AM
Nutrition Break 1 9:55   - 10:15 AM
Period 3 10:15 - 11:05 AM
Period 4 11:05 - 11:55 AM
Nutrition Break 2 (Lunch) 11:55 - 12:35 PM
Period 5 12:35 - 1:25   PM
Period 6 1:25   - 2:15   PM
School History

School History

Our school history...

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